Commercial Litigation

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Area focused on guaranteeing legal security in the contractual and commercial relationships that individuals and legal entities enter into as a consequence of their corporate purpose, as well as solving all kinds of disputes arising in the exercise of their activities and achievement of corporate purpose, incidents that have repercussions in the structure of companies and in the legal sphere of individuals, for which we make up a specialized team with extensive experience in litigation in this branch, providing advice for the management of your business that guarantees certainty and efficiency in your actions.

Likewise, in the performance of our activity, all types of contracts are drawn up, negotiated and concluded, giving legal certainty to all those operations of this nature carried out by our client, as well as redefining its objectives and growth strategies through merger processes, transformations, and any other act focused on its commercial expansion outside of the corresponding legislation.

Within this area of ​​the following services are provided to mention the most recurrent:

  • Commercial Executive Lawsuits
  • Ordinary Trials
  • Executive Trials
  • Commercial contracts
  • Assembly Minutes
  • Creation of all kinds of Societies
  • Advice on all kinds of company acts
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